Our Services

We tailor our services to assist our industry partners to access ethically sourced, used plastics. Whether it be for reprocessing, reusing or recreating products, we supply the feedstock, advise on current best practice and help build partnerships to enable companies to be a part of a financially and environmentally sustainable system.

CSR Goal Plan Development & Delivery
We can develop CSR strategies for clients wishing to commit to sustainability goals, we are able to provide a range of services from design & implementation to a fully outsourced sustainability model.
Plastic Supply
Short-term and long-term supply of plastic recyclables, with guaranteed quality and quantity. These plastics can be sourced from all regions of the world.
Plastic Purchasing
GPT acquires plastics from private & government waste organisations, providing them with system security and assured revenue.
Traceability & Provenance
All recyclables are tracked from point of collection, providing provenance to aid CEO sustainability commitments and verification that the collection stream is free of potentially reputationally damaging practices.
Sustainable Projects – Planning and Delivery
We design and deliver financially and environmentally sustainable activities designed to have high environmental impact and provide our clients with access to aggregated feedstock for their downstream projects.
Solution Incubation & Mentoring
We partner with organisations and start-ups at the cutting edge of plastics technology and actively support developing projects and programs within the sorting, collection and processing space. We work closely with NGOs and financial institutions and our relationships with these resources allow us to keep our clients abreast of the most viable opportunities available and help to build the necessary relationships to utilise them.
Market Analysis
Our clients can access and utilise the open-source data and analytics research GPT has completed. This data can assist our partners with project viability studies and general market research.
GPT will manage reliable, reputable and efficient transport logistics to ensure we can guarantee supply to our clients anywhere in the world.
Government & Community Education
Our aim is to leave a positive legacy from our actions through the realisation of opportunities that support the communities in which we operate. We work closely within these communities and their educational institutions to increase awareness of waste issues and strategies for improvement.